hOw i wisH u aRe here with mE...

Well post ari ni lebiH kpda orG2 yg bermakna kepada ak likE mY littLE bF (MLB), mY Mr Love Angel (MLA) best buddiEs(MBB) n of course mY lovElY fAmilY...

~~MLB (tommy)
yunk, kn best kalo u ada kt cni...aunt rindu udh ngn yunk walaupun baru 3 hari kt cni....kalo lh ada yunk kn best, tk lh aunt sunyi cmni...reallY need u here yunk....
dy, really miss u...its like killing me....i feel like time goes by so slow...its like nk abiskn 1 hari tu perlukan 2-3 cmna my nk tnggu for 3 years...bila mY jalan2 kt CP td...kat tmpat kita penah p btul2 harap yg my dpt putarkn balik masa 2 n hargai setiap detik 2....really miss that moment...act bnyk lg nk share kat dy tp bg my better buat face to face kn....really like when u said..."apa ja mmy nk...ddy bg"....n when u said u really love me....u are so jiwang dy hehehehe...but don't worry, i like it...much2 love...
how i miss u all....i dont want to mention all ur name cz u all know who u are for me kn...rnduk luang kn masa ngn u all...bguarau, menyakat cikgu, lecturer n kawan2 adalh keja kita kn...time tu rasa cm kita lh paling happy...mslah pun teda...yg kita tau just enjoy n was a wonderful moment n every time i think back...i always keep i wish to go back that time...but of must go on kn...but i know...thats a good memory for each of us.....bnyk benda yg kita share dlm mengejar cita2 kn.....kisah kenakalan zaman remaja lh kunun nya hehehehe...
~~mY family..
-ma...ur the most person who are important for me...u never give up to make sure i keep become a good daughter n so sorry cz sy tk lh baik sngt..bnyk benda yg sy buat yg buatkn ma marh n so sorry i wish i can turn all that old memory and become a daughter that u wish...i know sy sllu buat ma mkn hati ngn perangai sy, ngn sikap sy yg childish ni....sorry again ma....
-for all my siblings...tq cz always bg support kt sy...tq cz sentiasa bg apa ja yg sy nk n tq cz sntiasa ada buat sy...tq gk for my biggest banking hehehe...everytime i ask for extra $$$ u never say no...tQ sist...i will pay back every sen that u give to me....thats mY promise...i will dedicated mY degree for u all bcoz all of u was the one who make me want to keep study n make our family proud...well, im still thiking to cont my study n take master...i will make a decision ASAP k...
-for my cutes n naughty niece n nephew..tq cz make my day crazy hehehe....korg jngn wat nakal k...make family proud k dears....sejak ko hadir dlm hidup aunt...aunt bjaya belajar cara2 nk jga bby hehehehe...reallly love each one of u....

-Angelina Shanen.
-Benedict Joesuee
-Vianney Genevie
-Juanna Duvenna
-Jeremy Donnelly
-Brenda Jessica
-Gilbert Valentine...
---all of u so important for me...
p/s: nong,adi,p, asron..walaupun pasni kita berlainan agama but for aunt all of u are my bby...always mY baby...even all of u going older, ur still my bby....much2 love.....

i thoughts tu je lah untuk entry kali ni....
nitEs peeps...

Miss Aunty...

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